Using a MARA-registered Migration Agent

The visa application process can be time-consuming, frustrating and incredibly stressful.

Navigating paperwork, red tape, rules and regulations, sudden changes and refusals can be overwhelming for even the most organised people.

If you’re starting to feel the pressure, perhaps you should considered working with a MARA-registered Migration Agent, rather than going it alone. MARA stands for Migration Agents Registration Authority. MARA is affiliated with the Department of Immigration and Border Protection, and acts as a regulator for the industry.

You should only ever use an Agent that is MARA-registered. You can search online to ensure that your Agent is fully above board.

A Migration Agent can prepare your application for you, liaise with immigration on your behalf, guide you through the visa process, recommend the best options for you and help you to appeal a visa refusal.

A MARA-registered Agent is qualified in the area of migration and is guided by an industry code of conduct. Although a Migration Agent cannot guarantee that your application will successful, using one can certainly maximise your chances of a positive outcome.

According to Government statistics, around 75% of people applying for an employer-sponsored visa use a Registered Migration Agent to lode their application. Not only to Migration Agents stay up-to-date on the latest legislation changes relating to Australian visas, they are also required to undertake continuing professional development.

Here at Auslinkint Migration Services, we specializes in providing Migration and Visa Services for business investors locally and overseas. Our services encompass the entire spectrum of Business and Investor Visas. It’s better to get things right first time than to risk your future prospects in Australia (and your finances) with a botched visa application. True, you will have to pay for the services of a professional Agent, but they can provide you with peace of mind and prevent you from making costly mistakes.

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